The brief for this project was to design a living area for a young family in Winchester, inspired by their artwork and the couple's professions. Mr and Mrs Lloyd both work at Southampton Solent University as lecturers and collaborated with our class as part of their renovation project of their family home. Mr Lloyd is a renowned Graphic Designer and Mrs Lloyd has a background in Fashion. I drew inspiration from a print Mrs Lloyd has hung up in their living room which can be seen in the moodboard below, and used this to inform the colour palette, style and textures in my design. The couple of two young children, so it needed to be family friendly as well.
Although Mrs lloyd loves monochrome schemes, I also brought in a couple of pops of colour in orange and blue as a nod towards Mr Lloyd's vivid bright artworks and also to tie in with his Vertigo poster which is also on display in their living room. To create a bit of drama in the room and high contrast, I used 3 different wallpapers and two different armchairs to add in juxtaposition within the space. This project was quite challenging for me, as I absolutely love using lots of colour within the space. However, this was a really fun challenge as it pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to think outside of what I would normally create.